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Live from Provence (Online)

Start Dates:
Tues 1/21 and Tues 3/4
9:30AM - 12:00PM
$755 for 12 weeks / $400 for 6 weeks

Instructor: Jill Douglas

Jill Douglas, UK born instructor who now lives in Southern France teaches an online series of workshops focusing on imagery and real subjects from the French country side, local produce and everyday objects found in French daily life. In this course you will work from photographs chosen from a selection of images.

All levels of experience are welcome.

Mediums may include oils, acrylics, or water color paints. Oil or chalk pastels, colored pencils, or any preferred medium.

Students will learn:

  • How to mix the colors you see

  • Basic drawing techniques

  • How to create a balanced composition

  • How to capture mood with lights and shadows

Hosted on ZOOM

Supply List PDF

12 weeks at $755

6 weeks at $400

6 weeks at $400

August 10

1-Day Workshop - Painting Materials 101: A Beginner’s Guide on How to Choose and How to Use Them (Online)

January 21

Illustrating Winter Birds (Online)